
Welcome to LETTERS.

LETTERS is a semi-annual literary journal that engages religion, spirituality, and belief within contemporary experience. We publish fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art.

While its interest is in matters of faith, LETTERS defines “faith” in terms that are at once broad and particular. On one hand, we believe that art need not be denominational or doctrinal to be faithful. Neither is faithful art obligated to describe or discuss God (though it certainly can). On the other hand, we believe that faithful art is sincere, open to ambiguities, and committed to what both grounds and transcends human life. We publish work that ranges from deep conviction to difficult doubt. Above all, we seek work that rings of the true, the beautiful, and the virtuous.

LETTERS is supported by the Yale Institute of Sacred Music (ISM) and run by students at the ISM and Yale Divinity School. 

Letters Logo: Ivanka Galadza