Vivian Calderon Bogoslavsky


Cadavár Exquisito, acrylic, plastic, and stucco on canvas.


Explosiones, acrylic, plastic, and stucco on canvas, 12″x19″.


Lago de Fòsiles, acrylic, plastic, and stucco on canvas, 39″x28″.


Untitled, acrylic, plastic, and stucco on canvas.


Luz En La Cueva, acrylic, plastic, and stucco on canvas, 39″x55″.


Brumas Inmortales, acrylic, plastic, and stucco on canvas, 39″x33″.


Contestaciones Silenciosas, acrylic, plastic, and stucco on canvas, 8″x12″x.8″.




Vivian Calderón Bogoslavsky is a Colombia Native born to Argentinian parents. She holds a Bachelor’s in anthropology with a minor in history and a postgraduate degree in journalism from Universidad of Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. 

She studied art for over thirteen years with a well-known Argentinian art master, and studied in Florence, Italy, and fine arts and design in the U.S. She was in Madrid, Spain for one year painting and having art exhibitions and today she is in Colombia exploring her art. 

Vivian has shown her work in both individual and collective shows in the United States, Spain, and Colombia. She has been published in multiple books, magazines, and webpages, and has received multiple awards. 

Vivian has spent the last few years investigating the prints of the earth. As expressed by the artist: “During this investigative process I have come to the realization that these prints reflect my most intimate and profound feelings, emotions, wishes, sadness and life experiences. My intention behind painting is to create magical worlds that move people, that makes them look within and explore their feelings when confronted with my work. The prints are related to an extraordinary universe, filled with color, texture, sand and ashes. I try to translate my own path into the canvas and in the process a print is left behind, filled with all of what makes me.”

Link to artist’s work: